HELP Yellow Tang won't eat.


I don't know what to do. I have had him for two years and he always eats. Now he won't go near his food clip. I have checked his water it tests ok. He has not eaten in three days. Tonight I will change water out of lack of a better idea. Anybody have any ideas? He lives all by himself in a tank full of live rock and sand.


This is what I have recently read in TCMA by Fenner. If water conditions are okay and everything is normal. He said that food strikes have gone on for weeks without loss. It says just be patient and keep trying. He suggests trying live brind shrimp, but remember to soak them for a few minutes in freshwater to reduce the likelihood of parasites. HTH


I will try a different food tonight along with a water change I hope that works. I really like this fish and would hate to see him die so young.

the claw

Active Member
Don't panic yet! If he is all by his lonesome with a whole tank of liverock and stuff to chew on, he may be grazing on his own without you knowing about it. I would mix it up what I was offering him.


Maybe your tank is just maturing really well, and there is enough in the tank to keep him going...if I were him I would rather eat tasty new algae, and maybe some pods rather than fish food...
I have a purple tang, who more than anything likes to cruise around eating off the rocks. he is rarely hungry...don't stress too much...if he gets hungry enough, he will eat something!
I would try two things. Algae sheets in a clip, and frozen brine. My tangs have always eaten both of these things. You might try soaking both in Garlic Extreme. This has worked for me as an enticement. Let us know how it goes. LOL


Did the water change, gave him a new clip of seaweed and he never went near it. He looks great, picks on the rock but I can't believe he is getting enough to eat just from the rocks. I will keep an eye on him and tonight. I will also soak his food in garlic.