HELP yellow tang!



I recently bought a yellow tang for my 50 gallon tank. But after about 4 days of him acting fine, the dark yellow stripe that yellow tangs have has now turned white! Why is this? Help! :help:


Type in Yellow tang in the search engine on this site and you will see all of the posts that I and many others that belong to the "tang police" have posted. Yellow tangs do not belong in a tank that is not mature and under 75 to 100 gallons. He is stressed and dying. Please, take him back to your LFS and trade him for something that is appropriate for a 55. :)


I do agree that that tang eventually will be too large, but I don't think it is fair to just "trade" it in without more info. first of might be a tiny yellow that would be fine temporarily in a 55.....with the knowledge of having to step up with growth....check your water! sounds like something in it..what other fish? Is it stressed, anyone bothering it?


Yes, most definitely I would check all levels in your tank. If you don't have a test kit, go buy one! That should be the first thing that you buy. But, I have to disagree with ohiorn67, it doesn't matter how big the fish is, I have seen this posted time and time again, but no one listens!!! It is the type of fish that it is. While it might "fit" in the tank, it has to have more water area to swim in than a 55 gallon can provide! It will get stressed, it will get sick, and it will eventually die. I know some people don't care and if it will live for a few months that is all that matters. So, if that is the case, have fun. But if you are trying to get a pet that you can keep, then ~ check your water parameters, fix any problems, trade the yellow in for something that would be comfortable in that sized tank! Trust me, there is a whole gamut of fish that would do great in a 55 gallon! Also, research to make sure that all inhabitants are compatible with each other before purchasing. It will save a lot of headaches later on!


Active Member

Originally posted by Fishguy777
I recently bought a yellow tang for my 50 gallon tank. But after about 4 days of him acting fine, the dark yellow stripe that yellow tangs have has now turned white! Why is this? Help! :help:

Their change colors. NP.
Mine changes from brown to white. Been like that for a while..
Depends on thier surroundings.