

New Member
im a freshwater guy, but maybe you can help me. I just cleaned my 55 gallon and replaced the water and added my fish back two days later the day after I added them the water suddenly got very foggy. The next day,(today,) it got worse, i just drained it and i will fill it back up when i find the problem


Freshwater does cycle but I don't think its as detrimental as in a saltwater scenario. One thing it could be is you stirred up your sediment on the bottom of the tank when you added water.
Quick question, what are your water test numbers? Also, what kind of water are you using, tap? Do you use dechlorinator?


New Member
tap with declorinator, the water was fine untill i added the fish for two days it all happened very suddenly. I dont have a test kit but i am taking it to get tested for free at my lfs tommorow ill get back to you