

New Member
I've got a 40G FOWLR setup that has been running for 6 months. Having problems with a juv naso tang and juv emperor angel.
Tang has black spots(see pic) that I thought was a stress reaction, but it hasnt gone away in 2 days. I've had suggestions of black ick, but it looks like skin discolorations, there do not appear to be any bumps on the skin. Hes still swimming and eating normally.
The angel seems to have lost a bit of color, almost looks a little faded with a few small white colorations on the fins/tail. Again there does not appear to be any bumps. Hes still eating when I feed, but eating less. He spends most of his time now up near the areas of high water flow(water return, powerhead). Neither fish is scratching around on anything.
Only other fish in the tank are an ocellaris clown and blue dot puffer that show no abnormal coloration or major behavior changes. The clown is not swimming/eating as much as usual...but he is still eating. Puffer is eating normally.
Levels are fine(SG 1.023, Ammonia/Nitrie 0, PH 8.1, Nitrate 10)...and I did a water change just in case.
I'm fresh out of ideas. Any suggestions.


Active Member
Welcome to fish guy.This thread belongs in the disease and treatment section of our forum.There you will get better help with your problem.It looks to be black ich to me...{most likely caused by stress}but I am not the disease expert.Please research further into the required tank size for the fish in your care.An emporer angel and a naso tang need a much bigger tank,regardless of their size.


New Member
thanks for the info. I realized that they do need the bigger tank, which is why I'm setting up a 125G in about a month. My LFS told me that they would be fine in the smaller tank for the short time period(total of about 4 months)


Active Member
Good deal..then you can set up the 40 as a quarantine tank,a much overlooked but necessary component to keeping marine fish.Please post this or ask that it be moved to disease and treatment.Or do a search in that forum,using the search button at the top of the page for black ich.


Active Member
OK..I did a search for you.
This is copied from the FAQ section at the top of the page.Black ich is a flatworm..{not the same parasite as the white ich} and must be treated with formalin I hope this helps:
Formalin Dips
In a separate dedicated container fill with water from your display. Use a 37% formaldehyde solution [brand name Formalin which is sold in the hobby] at 20 drops for each gal of water. Be sure to aerate the bathe water using an airstone that is dedicated to formalin bathes. Place infected fish in the bathe for 45 minutes, every other day, 3-5 treatments.
Warning: This is a toxic medication so don't overdose. When finished with the bath, safely disgard the bath water. Do not use the same water for subsequest treatments. Take care not to have contact with the formalin.


New Member
i dont think its ich. Ich would have puffy white spots on the entire body. It would also affect other fish in the tank. I'm not exactly sure what it is. Whats most disturbing for me is that mine is spending so much time right in the flow of the powerhead.
If it was ich he would also be scratching and possibly losing his appetite. There are even a few other symptoms.