


is there any thing i can do to get my ammo down in my one mth old tank with out loising ant fish


Active Member
I think a water change will bring it down. But I ma new. If you go to the search on the top and put like "get amonia down" a lot of answers will come up. You can read what other people suggest there. good luck.


I would do a water change.. not knowing any of your perimeters...besides doing a water change is usually good for what ailes you...Just make sure that the sg, temp, are as close to the water in your tank as possible


Active Member
How many fish do you have in what size tank? Overcrowding and overfeeding can result in detectable traces of ammonia. Weekly or monthly water changes are one cure. You can also utilize many commercial products such as Ammocarb which doesn't remove the ammonia, but makes it less toxic while you correct the situation.
Are you sure that you have cycled your tank previous to adding fish?


why do you have fish already in a 1 month old tank?? Are you trying to kill them?
Sounds to me you are still cycling, you need to slow down and let your tank cycle properly before you add any fish, this along takes about a month to happen!
Sorry Don't really mean to flame you, It just bugs me when folks put fish in jeapordy because they rush the process!