

hey guys I'll keep it brief. I've got a 55 reef tank with a 30 gallon sump. I had the flow set up perfectly for the past few months. However this morning I went to look at the tank and it had overflowed!!! (I did a water change yesterday) Aside from sitting in front of my tank and adjusting it till it's perfect. (took way too long last time) does anyone know of an electronic check valve or something that when the water level reaches a certain height it can shut off the return pump?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankfully my tank is in my basement pretty much right on the slab so no water damage just a wet carpet. But I can't keep wetdry vacumning the rug. HELP!!!


Active Member
I have a built in overflow, so this is never a problem. What kind of overflow do you have? If a hang on, they can be more problematic. Might want to ask some tank manufacturers, like ATM Acrylic Aquarium Manufacturers . You can email their "engineers" directly and ask them what to do.


Active Member
What happened did the u-tube lose siphon? Whats the OF rated for and how much flow do you have through the tank? What kind of adjusting are you talking about?


the u tube didn't lose suction, I guess it wasn't suckin fast enough. honestly not sure what the overflow is rated for I got it secondhand. I have a rio 1700 as the return pump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by civicracer
the u tube didn't lose suction, I guess it wasn't suckin fast enough. honestly not sure what the overflow is rated for I got it secondhand. I have a rio 1700 as the return pump.
What size is the drain pipe and U-tube on the OF? 3/4" or 1"? With that pump I doubt you were out running the OF. The U-tube will drain whatever it is given to drain unless it is undersized for the return pump. So if everything is sized right and the U-tubd didn't lose siphon it should not overflow. Did the drain get clogged with something?
Can you post a pic of the set-up?


New Member
I can post a pic when I get home(this is my office name, forgot the password for my other account) I did clean out the u tube and add some water to the sump. I've been doin it that way since before christmas with no problems. this is getting very very frustrating and it's really making my tank look horrible.


Active Member
did you install a ball valve after your return pump? Maybe the return pump is too strong. You can shut it down a bit if you install a ball valve inline after the pump and somewhere before the tank....Or maybe you have already done this...


Active Member
Originally Posted by nickp123
I can post a pic when I get home(this is my office name, forgot the password for my other account) I did clean out the u tube and add some water to the sump. I've been doin it that way since before christmas with no problems. this is getting very very frustrating and it's really making my tank look horrible.

Post when you can and we'll check it out!


here are the pics, I'm thinkin if I shorten the hose in between the overflow and the sump it may solve the problem. sorry if the sizes are funky it took a bit to get them to spec.



I use to have the same exact overflow box setup i shortened the tube but it only helps a lil bit
the best thing to do is to drill your tank period
and if your bottom glass is tempered wich most are they'd have to drill in the back piece
you really might want to consider it it would be like 30 bucks at a glass shop and a bulkhead would be like 10 bucks
or get a bigger sump tank that can hold more water spillage when power goes out...
but even then when the power comes back on your top tank can easily overflow because the dang siphon isn't going to throw water back in the bottom tank


I had this O.F. setup on my first aquarium and couldn't understand how they could design something so faulty
the sad thing is if you don't know better you don't know how bad the deal is until water gets on the floor a couple times
another advantage to the bulkhead in the back glass is u get the top water always being stirred by going into the sump where as on ur current setup the top will usually have a filmy layer unless you constantly have a powerhead agitating it or have your return flow a lil higher on the tank rim than need be to have it splash the top water
W/ the bulkhead you will also have the ability to adjust your water level keep it above your plastic trim so it's hidden and it will be a lil more quiet then the slirping o.f. box


they do have o.f. boxes that supposedly keep the siphon by having an extra chamber that is inside the tank but IMO it is best to avoid the siphon totally unless your doing water changes
Let gravity do its job and you won't have water on your floor even when the power goes out.
sorry for the long posts but want you to be informed


Active Member
OK it looks like you have a 600gph OF 1" U-tube and 1" drain. Yes shorten that hose so it doesn't have to go up to drain! I would also and a stand pipe in the OF (durso style if it will fit). ! pump to the skimmer and for the return?
You could also bring up the bio-balls and have more water in the sump so your pumps don't run dry. Also if you replumb or want to change go with spa-flex instead of the clear vinyl. This will reduce the light penetration and you won't have algae growth in the lines which createing drag and added to head pressure. Also spa-flex fits in pvc fittings rather then barb (which also reduce flow).
Give me a bit and I'll give you a idea!


Active Member
Sorry Jake but I have to disagree. U-tubes have been the norm for a long time and I have had them set up for years and I have NEVER had a flood! They will not break siphon IF they are set-up properly. It just doesn't happened.
Now iwth all that being said you are right drilling the back is a better way to go but, don't do it b/c the U-tube doesn't work b/c they do. I turn off my tank everytime I feed, change water, etc (at least once every 2 days) and it always starts back up no problem!


you didn't understand what I was saying if you disagree the one I had didn't have the box inside that the u tube rests in to maintain siphon so when the water gets below it the siphon breaks...
then when the water gets back to normal height the siphon will not restart unless you are there to tend to it
You must have the one with the inner box to equalize the u tube when no water is flowing but mine didn't
so even when I shortened the u tube it still did not help restart the siphon
anyway If that isn't the problem with hers this is useless to talk about


mine didn't have this box that is why
In here pick I can't see if it does or not but obviously it does