New Member
I'm pretty new to the saltwater fish tanks. I have a 55 gallon that had a tomato clown, lion fish, fox face, lunare wrasse, and a blue throut trigger. The fish were all very young, I was past the cycle stage. So I added a nigar trigger. The clown had ich so I treated the tank with the 100 % organic medication. In the process I added a UV light and took out the carbon filters and shut off the skimmer. Anyway the morning after I added the second trigger I woke up most of the fish were dead. The only ones alive were the lunare wrasse and a rose bubble amenome. And also some hermit crabs.
I night I got the niger trigger I did a 10% water change and added cycle. My husband thinks he added to much tap water conditioner. What did I do wrong?????? Amonia was .01, nintaites .01, ph 8.1, salinie .18, temp 78 degees.
I night I got the niger trigger I did a 10% water change and added cycle. My husband thinks he added to much tap water conditioner. What did I do wrong?????? Amonia was .01, nintaites .01, ph 8.1, salinie .18, temp 78 degees.