

HELP!!! - Injured Fish

I have a 2 inch Manderin Goby that took physical damage during a move.
It's left side fin (near gil) was severly damaged.
White flesh is exposed and it can not move it's left fin.
It's still alive (24hrs later), what should I do?
#1 - Do nothing and wait to see if he lives or dies?
#2 - Try and catch fish to remove and then ??? (it is in a 180 tall tank now)?
#3 -Add medication, slime coat, or some other chemical product?
Can the fish get a disese from the injury that could affect the other fish in the tank?

bang guy

My suggestion is option 1. If it were some other type of fish I'd move it to a medicated hospital tank but Mandarins don't do well in hospital tanks. The biggest risk is bacterial infection.


Thank you for the response:
If the biggest risk is bactirial infection, then should I not remove the injured fish from the rest ASAP?


Originally Posted by sprieto
Thank you for the response:
If the biggest risk is bactirial infection, then should I not remove the injured fish from the rest ASAP?

bung guy right it's very hard to take care mandarine in QT since the eat most from the rock and the sand and it's hard to feed them and normal they don't have all this in QT basic they are very hard to keep and i try once to quarantine mandarine in QT with live sand and rock but there was few rock in the tank and the mandarine not eat and day after day i saw him get more tiny till he die. so don't take the risk and don't put in your 180 any medication it's hard to tell but the cost of the mandarine cheap to the damage you can make to your tank by put there medication. i suggest to you to check your water parameter in your tank to because if it's bacterial infection so something wrong in your water chemistry (or maybe your water ok but your tank not establish enough to keep mandarine yet) but it's good to check if something wrong you can make water change and fix it. and if you see the mandarine in very bad shape my suggest to take it out and put them in QT but i think it will be very hard to save them if you will make it it will be miracle.


Active Member
Yeah, I wouldn't try removing the fish, but I would try dosing Kent Marine's Vitamin C to help the fish heal faster. It is also advisable to make sure all water parameters are as close to perfect as possible.

bang guy

Originally Posted by sprieto
Thank you for the response:
If the biggest risk is bactirial infection, then should I not remove the injured fish from the rest ASAP?
The other fish are in no danger.

bang guy

Originally Posted by sprieto
My biggest worry was bactirial exposer to the other fish.
They are always exposed to infectious bacteria. It's only a problem when there's a cut or skin slime has been removed.