

I am new to this site and im wanting to start up my 55 gallon tank and i was needing a lot of advice such as:
Protein Skimmers
Fish (how many and if a tang would be to big for my tank)
How deep for sand
How much LR
Overflow Box
And whatever else i will need to know about my tank
I hope you guys help me out a lot
Thanks Rutz15


Active Member
here i posted this in your other post,
i use a hang on back filter. if you ever did freshwater, they have a lot of these. the ones that hang on the back. it is a whisper 40.
protein skimmer is a debatable thing, in my opinion you will need one. its like a 2nd filter sort of. some people just run a skimmer. i use a hang on back also
I dont really know a lot about tangs but i think it might be ok. but noty for a lot of them. please correct me if im wrong
for a 55, i would do live sand. it's not really "live" but it has more stuff liek copeopods etc. It will help you boost the cycle of your tank. but some people use play sand. but there is a specific type. i think its southdown playsand but don't hold me to it.
I would use maybe 2 pounds of live rock for each gallon in your tank. (110 pounds)
i dont have an overflow because my tanks a 29 gallon
make sure you get a book on saltwater fish. a good one is "the new marine aquarium"


for my 55 gallon fish tank i got a tank they really don't get that big and i plan on getting one more for my 55! i have a sailfin tang and will be getting a hawian tang!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MARTINEZ12
for my 55 gallon fish tank i got a tank they really don't get that big and i plan on getting one more for my 55! i have a sailfin tang and will be getting a hawian tang!
its not how big they get(which i still think they get pretty big)..they need a mature tank..about 6 months and they need a lot of swimming room. a lot more than a 55 gallon. some people say you should have 6 feet of swimming room for them and a 55 gallon wont cut it.
if you get a tang it will get stressed out and can do what you wnat though, im just trying to help you out some, but its your tank. not mine.


so you dont think a yellow tang becasue they dont get as big would that be ok for my tank and its 4 feet long just one of those??
and thank you for your help

sinner's girl

NO's debatable even for a 75gl, but no way in a 55gl.
for my 55 gallon fish tank i got a tank they really don't get that big and i plan on getting one more for my 55! i have a sailfin tang and will be getting a hawian tang!
Bad idea. Sailfin needs a min of 135gl! I don't know about the Hawian tang.
Protein Skimmers
Fish (how many and if a tang would be to big for my tank)
How deep for sand
How much LR
Overflow Box
lighting depends on if you just want fish and inverts or if you want reef, regular lights are fine for fish/inverst.
Filter, hob are good,
PS-if you can, get one.
Fish, depends on what type you want...there is no magic number
Sand, do you want a dsb or just sand? I'm going with about 2inch, others have 4
lr, 1-2lbs per gallon, again, depending on fish. You may not want your tank full of lr if you have fish that want swimming room.
no clue on overflow box.
so you dont think a yellow tang becasue they dont get as big would that be ok for my tank and its 4 feet long just one of those??
No tang in 55gl, min of 6ft some will say, no less than 75gl others will say. It's not how big they get, it's the amount of swimming room they need.


Originally Posted by Rutz15
I am new to this site and im wanting to start up my 55 gallon tank and i was needing a lot of advice such as:
Protein Skimmers
Fish (how many and if a tang would be to big for my tank)
How deep for sand
How much LR
Overflow Box
And whatever else i will need to know about my tank
I hope you guys help me out a lot
Thanks Rutz15
Lots and Lots of money and maybe a 2nd job.


i am going to have my tank be a reef tank so if you have any ideas let me know and i have enough money to put it all together so keep posting and help me out please thanks


oh and what are some pretty decent size fish that i could have in my 55 gallon tank bc i want something with a little size but i dont know what is to big so let me know what you think please


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rutz15
oh and what are some pretty decent size fish that i could have in my 55 gallon tank bc i want something with a little size but i dont know what is to big so let me know what you think please
clown fish(there not too small) and i really like angel fish. they are full of color(well most anyway) and get to a decent size. if you want i think a fuzzy dwark lion you could possibly have, but you will have to watch over it a little but some people have them in reef tanks. they get to a decent size and are really cool.

sinner's girl

let me help you out a's your new friend, learn to love it!
Acording to Marine Fishes, you could have Moray Eel in a 55gl-snowflake, dragon, chainlink,
banded, zebra, goldentail, ribbon, whitmouth a few others, if you tell me what kind, I'll look it up. the chart will tell you what will get along. Morey's will topple corals not attached to lr.
Marine Fishes by Scott w. Michael, will tell tank size, diet and other info (and color pic!) of 500+ aquarium species!


Active Member
im headin to bed, got orienation - chick fil a tomm. rutz i sent email. tell me what ya think through e mail


Active Member
well its titled lighting question please help, here is what they wrote. its a 48" power compact hood lunar 4X65 watt.
sure depending on what type of coral he is planning to have? a more powerful light would be needed for corals are greater depth in the tank and stronger lighting would be needed for more sensitive types of corals. for something basic im sure that will be ok
check the email and the link to the auction sites there. i think its a good price

sinner's girl

snowflake, min 30gl, can be kept with other eels, feed twice a week, gets a 5 (means he's hardy)"Will eat ornamental crustaceans and small fish ; may topple corals not securely attached to rockwork" I have no idea what ornamental crustaceans are, or what small fish are...the chart may say.