

New Member
I need some help. I am just getting started. I am trying to get going with a relative low budget. I have a 44 gallon corner tank with a fluval 350 canister filter and a SeaClone SCPS 150 protien skimmer. I am wanting to start a reef tank but cant really afford the $7.00 a pound prices for live rock. Can i put some of the artificial reef in the tank and put maybe a smaller amount of live rock. I really want to have the anemone's and coral. Can I put them in with the artificial stuff? Also my wife wants to have some seahorses. Can we have them with other fish and a reef tank? Any advice that some of you seasoned veterans can provide will be greatly appreciated. Right now I have the tank running with water and sand and 2 Damsels in it to try to get the biological filter started. HELP? :help:


You can seed some base rock(cheaper) with a small amount of live rock but as far as artificial I would stay away from. As far as the sea horses go it won't work with fish.


Active Member
Just a heads up; if you are planning to keep anenomes/corals, lighting is expensive to keep them. Expect to pay a good bit for it (more than $100). Anenomes are pretty hard to keep; your best off avoiding them for a while. I don't have any expirience with them; but they are generally difficult to keep.
Seahorses won't work with fish =(. They are too slow moving to get food and just require a species specific tank in general.
I would advice buying a lot of cheap base rock and then some live rock to seed it. I would say at least 5-10 lbs if not more to seed it though. I started out with 20lbs in my 30g and am up to 45lbs and am still not quite sure I have enough to make a full looking reef.
This is a very tough hobby to succeed in without a semi-large budget handy. I would read up on the Equipment/DIY forum for some DIY ideas to save you some money. The more research you do; the less you pay.
Good Luck!


New Member
Thanks alot for the info. Do you know of anywhere online that I can order any base rock or maybe somewhere in Pittsburgh. I may can get it there if it will be able to make the 6 hour ride from there to NC. My wife is from Pittsburgh and we visit often. She actually is from Irwin.


New Member
I am only a couple of hours from VA Bch. I love Animal Jungle. Do they have the base rock? If so, how much does it cost? Thanks