

:help: okay had a 10 gallon bow front. Ready to upgrade. Looking for something to keep a hipo tang cause thats the fish the girl likes. So it had to be big :cheer: Need help with a good size i like the bowfront if possible?! What type of lights? sump? BRANDS!! still new so i have no clue. here is my tank now.


okay so 120+...anyone know a brand that might make a bowfront that big. what about everything else. lights, sump anything you would buy to make it ultimate!


Originally Posted by fedukeford
youd need a 120+ tank, im not sure if they even make bowfronts that big
I know they make a 155 gallon bowfront because I have one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zanski
light. what brand is it? does anyone know a good website for aquarium shopping?

You aren't allowed to post specific websites on here.


ok thanks. I found some 100+ bowfronts but i dont know what to get besides the tank. My grandfather will help me build a canopy and stand stong enough for the tank but what type of lighting will i need? going to be a reef with lots of corals and anemone. sump or ref.?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zanski
ok thanks. I found some 100+ bowfronts but i dont know what to get besides the tank. My grandfather will help me build a canopy and stand stong enough for the tank but what type of lighting will i need? going to be a reef with lots of corals and anemone. sump or ref.?

I would get MH lighting, that way you can keep whatever corals and anemones you want (although you shouldn't have more than one type of anemone in a tank). I don't have a sump so IDK anything about those. But I would definitely get a fuge to grow some macro and pods and control nitrates.