

Ok I have a large lta and I just fed it. My pistol shrimp decided he wanted the silverside more than the lta. He cut a hole in the side of the anemone and pulled the silverside out. Is this gonna kill my lta. Should I pull it out now????


Active Member
With good lighting and water quality it could recover within a few weeks or less. Good luck with it!


Active Member
Wow, I have never heard of that happening. Im sure its possible. Anything is in this hobby....
I would think that the shrimp will continue to do this, so try to spot feed the shrimp more often or remove it.....just a thought.


I am going to remove the shrimp. As soon as I can catch him. The lta died. Man I am sooo pissed. It was huge and healthy. I too didn't think it was possible but I have learned to never be suprised anymore in this hobbie.


My bbq is callin to it. I don't know realy. I am so pissed I have not even tried to catch him due to the fear I have for it's life if I cought it right now. lol