

Anyone ever had any black algae. i've got it all on the bottom and cant seem to syphon it out. any tips on getting it out


its been running about 4 months. i have a tang, maroon clown, yellowtail damsel, six line wrasse, a couple af ricordia mushrooms, a bullbe anemone, yellow polyps, orange sponge, a condi anemone, featherdusters, a scallop, and a crab


Active Member
Give us your tank specs, size water quality parameters, water change schedule, all the details so we can help also give us an idea of how many things you have added and how recently, a timeline always helps what is you feeding schedule, what about filtration what kind are you using, temp? salinity, give us the 411


The tank is 55 gal. I do a 20% chane every month but this month i did a little more because i was trying to syphon out the algae but it popped right back up like 2 days later. anyways i just added a 6 line wrasse saturday but before that i hadn't added anything for like 2 weeks. the feeding schedule is usually once at either 8a.m. then once at night or at 11a.m. then once later at night depending if i go to school or not. the temp is steady at 77 . the salt is perfect and so is everything else. as for the filter im not sure what it is but i know it's not a biowheel. my lights are just the standard ones that came with the tank but im upgrading them this weekend


Active Member
lights, filtration, temperature, thats what i am seeing as a problem right now, also you didnt add in your parameters you said they are perfect but at what levels, what is your ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phophates, calcium, ph, and kh? these are all things that we need to know even a few slightly elevated readings can compound when you take them all into consideration at once . if the lights you are referring to are normal freshwater flourecents then that is a mian problem. if you can't remember your filtration then it probably isnt adequate. You probably need a protein skimmer, as well as what you have now, or an upgraded version of what you have now. Your tank should be at about 79 or 80, that will also help kill off some of the algae. Instead of the 20% monthly do 10 percent weekly. it will go a long ways to helping reduce your nutrient levels. i am speaking out of experience, when i started my first salt tank i had a 29 with a heater, saltwater and a hob filter. Now i am breeding saltwater fish, and propogating corals on a daily basis. time and patience are two more key factors. one more thing what kind of salt are you using? hope i can help.... let me know and i will keep trying to help