

Ok i had red and green algae outbreak which was from, what i think when i went from pcs to t-5s. I had cut back on lighting time and food. So then i added chemi. to combat against it. Well that was 2 days ago and its gone but now my skimmer will not stop w/ the micro bubbles. Ive done a water change and im still waiting for them to stop....still going what can i do if there is anything to do... its driving me crazy. Also i went and got rid of the maxx-600 and went to seio620 to add more movement. My paprameters were all ok. And i have a xenia which has been great but now it has shrunk down and some stalks have whiteness to them ??????? Any help and ideas would be great. Thank You


the red slime alge is caused by phosphates being to high. Has nothing to do with lighting. I have been using T-5's for a year. You have to keep the phosphates under control. The chemi pure will help, along with the water changes. As far as the bubbles from a protein skimmer, I put a piece of filter floss over the opening in the return using a rubber band to hold it in place. Makes a great diffuser.


Yeah using chemicals to get rid of red slime is a mistake more water flow in the area where it starts forming is the best fix. As far as bubble do a nother 25 percent water change and take you skimmer apart and clean it real good.


New Member
To combat cyano algae...increase water flow in your tank, utilize a granular ferric oxide phosphate binder (like RowaPhos), decrease feedings, skim aggressively, and ensure your water source is not the source of the phosphates. Are you using 0 TDS RO/DI water?


First thank you and ive cleaned the skimmer and have added filter floss to the inside of the skimmer at the return pipe. Still ass load of bubbles .. guess ill give it a day to clear up. Also any ideas on the xenia and why it might be looking the way it does?


the bubbles are bothering the xenia. if it is still doing it big water change again and scrub the skimmer out again. The chemical leaves a resudue that causes the skimmer to go nuts the only way to stop it is to get rid of it.


Tank parameters are good? Check and post them, also if skimmer is in a sump the actual water level can increase and decrease the micro bubbles?
If return can be made to drop thru a sponge before entering sump then try that!