

:help: :help: :help: ok so i have a 12 g and i had all my fish die and all my feather dusters crawlled out of their tubes and died and my corals and inv. are still alive but i have seen a lot of mini featherdusterd and then last night i noticed this little clear slug looking thing like on my rocks and then i whent to clean my glass with my mag float and i looked at the pad ond their where very thin white long worms in it whats going on???any ideas


Staff member
Those thinks you mention are just natural live rock animals. What are your water readings? What fish were in the tank, and for how long.
Understand, a 12 gal tank is not going to leave much room for making errors in this hobby.


hmm well i know y they died it was from a amonnia ospike so those little clear slugs wont hurt a thing i went and looked and now theirs more than one and lots of those worms r u sure its all good!!


I would not be too worried, most hitchikers are harmless/beneficial. It does not sound like anything harmfull to me.


Active Member
What kind of fish are you attempting to keep in the 12 gallon tank? How many have you added, and how fast are you adding them? Ammonia usually means that the aquarist is moving too fast with the tank.


Originally Posted by LoViN_LiFe
ya i did i added like 2 skunk clowns and dorals and things all at once
Two fish and a coral at the same time is a huge bioload in a 12 gallon tank.