

New Member
We have a 37 gallon tank and have 130 watts of light using CF they are 50/50 bulbs 10K, actinic, the tank has been set up for about a month. We have about 60 lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of live sand, 4 dams, clarky, coral beauty, royal gramma, green serpent, fire shrimp and a scooter blenny. The tank went through a stage of brown on the rocks and sand and the coraline algae was turning white. Now the rocks are turning a neon green, but on the underside of the rock the coraline is looking good. All the water tests say the water is good. We cut down the light from 12 hrs a day to 3 to 5 hrs. We add B-ionic calcium daily. Is this just part of the natural process or are we doing something wrong?


New Member
Eclipse 3 12" x 30" 250 gph i know its not the best but its all i could get there is a 110 gph power head in the back of all the rock and i have 5 Hermet crabs and plan to put 20 more in asap


its part of the cycle - i'm experiencing alot of brown algae right now - seems to be fading though - corraline is turning white, some parts of white now turning green, just ordered last 30lbs of rock i'll need (100lbs for my 125 gallon) - please no one tell me i need more rock i like it this way (MHO)


check your Phosphate.
Most of the time, Phosphate causes those lime green algea and soon, you will see lots of hair algea.


From my personal experience I only had green hair algea pop up 4 months into my new tank because I used tap water (not RO/DI) and sun light right on my tank. I never have had corline chaneg color from purple to white. I never had phosphates that high. So what type water are you using?


the tank is still maturing. It's not unprecedented to have coralline die off when lighting has changed. Like when you got the live. Patience...and keep the bio load down. HEAVY SKIMMING is key to keep the algae down.

30-xtra high

Active Member
you added to many fish way to fast, you should've only put in a damsel or two in a month's time,your tank is still cycling, i'm surprised everything lived, but don't worry, ur tank is just cycling, get some snails and more crabs and ur tank'll be fine


New Member
as you can see i am dealing with an Eclipse 3 and the room i have is almost not really there is there a skimmer out there that will work for me in the tank


Active Member
Way too many fish, way too fast, nothing good ever happens fast in this hobby. slow down take your time. that said.
your tank is still cycleing going through various stages as it settles into stability, building bio filter, cycleing through algae phases, copepod bloom die off then resurgence. stuff like that. Keep your up on water changes, with that new of a tank and that many fish I would reccomend at least 15%-20% a week. FEED LIGHTLY. once every couple of days untill your system has time to stabilize. Honestly I wouldnt be suprised if one or more of your fish end up dying. I'm truly sorry to say that though. With that much live rock you may be ok though.
Are you testing your calcium to see if you need it or are you just adding it?


New Member
i do test the cal its staying about 450 to 460 i was feeding every day and just cut back to every other day and very little, doing water changes every other week at 20%