

New Member
I need to know a good way to detox a tank in a rush, in the last couple days i have noticed some of my snails belly up in the bottom of the tank, i proceeded to flip them over to help them out, and now i am seeing about 5-6 empty shells and a couple of my hermit crab shells belly up, so i took a chem test and as suspected the chemicals were to high. So i need to know a way to detox quickly. I used PRIME chemical, it says it detoxes/removes amonia, nitrate, nitrite from the water. PH was still fine 8.4 and the bottle of prime says to remove nitrite in a hurry add 5 times normal amount, so i did that. Should I do anything else to remove prevent further lose to my snails and potential lose to fish?


New Member
Yeah i just did about a 20% change well its in the process took 20% out, and putting it back in to the tank. And its all going thru my RODI, to help out also.


New Member
Originally Posted by Jmerk
buy some chemical stuff that won't harm the tank or its inhabitants.

yeah prime claims to be non harmful to the inhabitants. So now i got to take some more tests in the afternoon tomorrow to try and give it some time. to balance itself out or something like that.
On a side note You always lived in Providence jmerk? or you lived anywhere else in the state?

Born and raised in SLC.