

So it looks as if my flagfin angel is about to pass away. I'm very upset about it. I have had her for about a month now and all of a sudden shes not doing well. All of my other fish are great. My question is, should I take her out of the tank now to avoid an ammonia spike or should I just wait till shes gone? Shes trying to swim with all her might, but she just ends up at the bottom again. This is my first passing with this tank. Its a 210 FO tank. 150 pnds lr.
salt - 1020
Amonia 0
nitrite 0
ph 8.4
Is there any way I can save her? Shes not gone yet.


QT it asap in case it has some sort of infection... better safe than sorry.....i would repost a new thread in disease section and tell the symptoms...maybe someone can help you there...