

I have a 30 gallon tank...I have a Skilter 400. My water is great...I test them all every week...The only thing I cant seem to get down is the Nitrates, and I see a very small amont of hair alage. Do you think if I ran some Purigen, poly-filter pads, or phosguard would help?


My tank filter is a Skilter 400...its a skimmer and filter in one...lights, are 150wat hals with 20k...on about 11 hours a day and I do a weekly 1.5 gallon water change.


The hair algae is probably due to the nitrates. How often and how big are your water changes? Also what is the stock list in this 30 gal and how much are you feeding? All of these things may shed some light on the high nitrates. Also how high are your nitrates?


Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
The hair algae is probably due to the nitrates. How often and how big are your water changes? Also what is the stock list in this 30 gal and how much are you feeding? All of these things may shed some light on the high nitrates. Also how high are your nitrates?
I agree. How often are you doing changes and what sized change are you doing?


I have 2 clowns, one 6-line wrasse, and a blenny...I do 1.5 gallon water changes every wednesday. I feed every two days. I think it would help if I took out the polyester pads in my filter...I think that is what is holding some nitrates. However, I may have to take the pads out little by little, as I dont wont to shock the tank...any ideas?
Thanks again...
Have a good christmas,


YOu might have to bump up to 10% for a couple of changes.
Or maybe you could add an HOF with some Cheato?
You are still going to need mechanical filtration. If the pads are dirty then clean them more often or replace them.


I think that jumping up your water changes to 10% (3 gal) would help. Also, either get rid of the polyfilters or clean them religiously. They will capture uneaten food, ect. that when it breaks down will contribute to nitrates. You said that you feed every two days, how much do you feed when you do feed? Do you have any live rock in the tank and what kind of substrate (bottom) are you using. If you are using crushed coral on the bottom then when you do your water changes you need to vaccuum that out too.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
I think that jumping up your water changes to 10% (3 gal) would help. Also, either get rid of the polyfilters or clean them religiously. They will capture uneaten food, ect. that when it breaks down will contribute to nitrates. You said that you feed every two days, how much do you feed when you do feed? Do you have any live rock in the tank and what kind of substrate (bottom) are you using. If you are using crushed coral on the bottom then when you do your water changes you need to vaccuum that out too.