

Active Member
This is not Ich or any other disease that I can think of. Although Beth and others are better able to say.
*You've lost a ton of fish. Is this in your 125?
*Any Cucumbers or related inverts in the tank?
*How did the seaweed get butter on it? Where was it being prepared?
*When was the last time you did a water change? Your pH was low.
*Open top or glass lids on tank?
*With all of these deaths your Ammonia is still at 0.0?
*Skimmer? Powerheads?


Those are stress marks on your fish. The fact that the chromis' mouth was stuck open and so many deaths, leads me to believe that the tank either got contaminated or something else has gone terribly wrong. What kind of flow do you have in the tank?


This is my 125. I have a sequence snapper with dual overflows. I have Korolia #4 powerhead. My tunze recently broke. I have a skimmer, two heaters, an eevrything is on a gcfi.
The seaweed was cut with scissors that is only used for cutting strips. The seaweed is stored in t he kitchen cabinet in a ziplock bag. The butter dish was in the same cabinet as was the scissors. He did not relize that the scissors were touching the butter when he cut the strips.
The amn is 0 because I keep doing water changes, hoping that this solves my problem.
My brissle starfish brings the dead fish to the front of the tank so that I am able to remove them.
That is the mystery. Why is all my inverts fine but not my fish?

I loss my two clownfish.
I have had them for two years and am at a total loss as what is going wrong with my tank.
I had my water tested both here and at my LFS to see if my test kits were bad. Jason opened new kits to test my water and it tested the same their as it did here.
Can anyone think of any other test that I can do?


1- cleaner shrimp
1- fire shrimp
1- peppermint shrimp
4- emarald green crabs
Too many snails to count as they breed like rabbits.
10- hermit crabs
1- bristle starfish
2- Mexican turbo snails
ricordia mushrooms
pagoda cup
sun coral
fox coral
bubble coral
candy cane coral
yellow leather coral
maze brain
hammer head
and some purple coral with green spots on it


Have you tested for stray voltage? There is definitely something going on here that would not effect the inverts.


I do not have a voltage meter but I did go out and bought a ground probe.
My sailfin is now covered in ick.

Should I put him in my twenty gallon qt or would that just do him in?


Originally Posted by Katz
I do not have a voltage meter but I did go out and bought a ground probe.
My sailfin is now covered in ick.

Should I put him in my twenty gallon qt or would that just do him in?
If he has it then all of your fish have been exposed. You cannot hypo the display, can you use what is in the current qt to set up a larger one?
The grounding probe will help. Electric currents effect the fish's nervous system but does not effect inverts.


I wish that I could get a larger qt but at this time I do not have the room nor the money.
I am down to one fish. The sailfin is the only one left.
total loss:
3- bangii
3 lyertail
1 pink anthesis
2 b/w clowns
1 lavender tang
1 blue green chromis
1 bicolor blennie
1 golden head sleeper
1 pseudo filmenta


Originally Posted by Katz
I wish that I could get a larger qt but at this time I do not have the room nor the money.
I am down to one fish. The sailfin is the only one left.
total loss:
3- bangii
3 lyertail
1 pink anthesis
2 b/w clowns
1 lavender tang
1 blue green chromis
1 bicolor blennie
1 golden head sleeper
1 pseudo filmenta

How big is the sailfin? He should be fine in the 20 if he is not large. I am very sorry for your losses.