

New Member
Ok first of all, I dont understand the rules for this site... I recently posted some items for sale in the classified section, and I got replies saying that I need a certain amount of posts and had to be a member for a certain amount of time. Does that mean that I cant even post/start a thread in any category? I mean am I breaking the rules right now by asking these questions? If so I am sorry... Second I am trying to decide if i am going to stay in the hobby or get out of it. I mean I have most of the required items ;150lbs LR, 80lbs of sand refug,skimmer, 1/5hp chiller "i think its 1/5", test kits, you name it but the MH that I have is costing me about 70bucks a month in electric bills. I had a PC with my previous tank and i know it wasnt nearly as expensive as the MH. I would use my previous light, but it was for a 48in tank and I now have a 36... go figure. Any suggestions as to what I can do to lower the cost of the MH. Its 175w.15k If not I will have to either get another PC or get out of the hobby. Any suggestions for a PC?


the classified and live selling are the 2 forums that have restrictions on them. You can post anywhere else on the site with out problems.
as far as what you are looking to do is change from MH to PC?
a little more info is needed before someone can suggest a course of action.
What is housed in the tank corals wise?
what size tank is this?
are you opposed to new lights?
are you set on PC lights or possible t-5 or VHO lighting?
and so you have a canopy for a possible retro-fit light kit that will cut costs some?
Depends on whats in the tank. When you get into this hobby you have to expect to pay. T5's will still increase you bill, by how much I don't know. The problem with PC is the cost of the bulbs.


New Member
Ok. I have an 80 gallon tank. its 36X18X20 or at least something close to that. I dont remember the names of the corals... I believe one was a pepperment coral, or something like that. One looked like a long tongue with spikey things on top. I had 2 that where flat, and looked like purple velvet forming shapes of octagons. I had a couple that looked kinda like anenomes, but also plant like. when you get them from the store they look like a half of ball. then they open up and have a bunch of arms flailing around. I hope you know what im talking about because im still new to this... As far as lights go. im not set any type of light, I just want it to be alitte more affordable the the MH. I was surprised that it raised by bill almost 100.00 a month... I know it is also because of pumps, chillers, skimmers, and everything else that is plugged in, but like i said before, my old set didnt cost me all that money and the little bit my bill did go up from not having a tank at all was worth it. I previously had the Corallife Lunar aqua light. it had 2 65watt true actinic blue and 2, 10k daylight compact bulbs. that was for my previous tank that was much more shallow then my current one. I will attach pictures of both. The one with all of the corals all over the place was my old set up. The one without the corals is the new tank. Thanks for all you help and suggestions in advance...
