
ive recently lost my clown fish i had for 3 weeks and i have been testing my water every day. i think i have a dead nass snail somewhere in the sand. that would keep the amonia high but ive heard stirring the sand bed is bad to do . so what should i do
am .5
nitite .5
nitrates 5 ppm
temp 78
sg 1.025
remaing livestock
2 pepperment dhrimp
1 damsel blue
2 turbo snails
1 chocolate star fish
ive done two 5 gallon waters changes within the past two days. i only have a ten gallon nano. so stiring the sand bed wouldnt kill anythin?


Active Member
depends on whats in you sand bed. How deep is it. If it is a deep sand bed it can be devastating to a nano if it gets stired up to much.


you know, i went through 5 clownfish that died on me with no signs of abuse or any indication as to what killed them, all parameters were perfect, there were three damsels in the tank, after talking to the guru at the LFS,( hes knows his stuff but hes in it for the sale, so i take everything with a grain of salt) the damsels were smaller than the clowns I was putting in the tank, so I thought the clowns would be fine with them, when my clowns would die they would loose there ability to stay upright or swim for that matter, he suggested that maybe the damsel were picking on them and ramming them with there heads and rupturing there swim bladders which would explain why were unable to swim followed by death in the next 12 hours.
So I had to take all the rock and and catch the damn things, bought two more clowns and haven't lost a fish since taking them out of the tank, just another thought for you to what might be happening, good luck
Might have been it in my case who will ever know i guess


i had the same problem with damsels killing my clowns, i lost 2 before i caught the damsel ramming my 3rd one.


Active Member
Remove the damsel, and do another 50% change. How long has the tank been set-up for and what size is it. That is a huge spike for a nassarius snail and clown.


Well-Known Member
I think there is another problem besides that snail dying. I would still keep up with water changes and make sure that I didn't let any filters dry while doing them. If your filters dry, you kill all the beneficial bacterias. Also, if you are going to wash your filters - do it in the refuse water and quickly put it back into clean saltwater in your HOB filter.
I don't know if that is your problem. There could be any number of things that can cause ammonia spikes.