Originally Posted by
Flower http:///t/394737/help#post_3530610
Hey, how have you been? You corrupted me, I love macroalgae!
LOL...I say false negative readings because there are phosphates, even though it reads 0 on the tests. The cyanobacteria can't live without it, and neither can macroalgae. The beauty of macros is that it absorbs it, and we want it in the tank or sump/refugium to get the PO4 out...Cyano on the other hand is not desired at all.
So when a person doesn't understand how they can have cyano because the test reads no PO4...I explain it's a false negative reading, because they do have PO4 (phosphates)
I've been around. perhaps kinda hiding LOL.
Don't tell my wife I corrumpted anyone.
Glad it worked out for you.
Yes I understand the false reading stuff. But the reading is actually correct and the phosphates being generated are being removed from the water column.
My point is that we should all want false 0 readings where macro algaes in recycleing the wastes (ammonia, nitrate, phosphates, carbon dioxide) into fish food and oxygen..
just my usual .02