


hey rane,
i missed that you lived in union city. im there all the time. i used to have a factory on 43rd st. over pollos mario. did you get your tank from the petland discount over by rt 3. i met a couple of guys that had their tanks set up by those guys and have nothing but problems. i used to live on 60th st and i know for a fact that the tap water is terrible. i know you've spent a lot of money on your tank, but the best thing for you to do is get an ro unit. check out they have a 100 g.p.d. compact model for only 150.00. im only 20 minutes from you so if you need any help let me know.


thanks Guys,
I am going to get an RO unit soon, Yes Rob the petland discounts on Kennedy blvd off rt 3 they are terrible but at that time I knew nothing about this hobby and got suckerd, but I am going to definately get an ro unit thanks for all the help
i buy a lot from e-bay and I think I saw that one I will probably pick that one up
as for the sand bed I think I have a good amount of sand possibly like 3 inches should I have more


3" can be ok with a light bioload and good skimmer. I don't know what kind of bio load sharks produce, but if they are like any other aggressive fish, they are messy and in-efficient eaters; which makes for a heavy bio load. A good skimmer can make up for the lack of a deeper sand bed (more is better here though).
Do you have one[a skimmer], and what kind?


Nitrates will build, slowly but surely, even with water changes. I have a 30g 4 stage wet/dry (just to change everyting into nitrates). I also have a eco system clone(30g) with 3 to 4 '' of mud witn a 1" plenum and mico algee to battle nitrates. I also have a large protein skimmer in the wet/dry. What I'm trying to do is balance the eco system of a 265 gallon aquarium. If you max out your filtration with your bio load something will fail.
Cover your bets then kick it up a notch!


If your using tap water from the city water supply which most likely is part of the United Water system you may be getting traces or Clorine (spelling may be off) in your tank as they treat their water with it in the Ordell treatment plant. RO would be a much better choice. I was using well water for a long time and continously battled Diatoms do to high phospates and other organics. Switched to RO and now tank is happy.;)