

If anybody is willing to help out with live rock or live sand and such i might be able to help out with any travel on the west coast

randy 12

What were you thinking of? How much live rock/live sand? And what do you mean by travel? Might be interested.


I work for Skywest and I can help if you want to go somewhere for pleasure or otherwise, on a standby basis, but at an extremely reduced price 30 dollars per segment. instead of 300 - 400 per segment. so for instance (depending on local. You could if you lived in austin tx you could go from aus to slc for 30 bucks and on to vegas for another 30. same price would aplly on the return. so 120 bucks for a roundtrip. Of course Skywest has to fly into/ out of that city thats why i said mostly on the west coast. but we have quite a few cities. Did I explain well? if not ask more questions as well as your city / state

randy 12

What about Springfield, MO to LA? (2 people). How much live rock, live sand do you want? And do you want the live rock cured? Also, what about shipping to you?


I believe we fly into springfield on our united side. it is flight 6865 to den. Let me tell you though it is standby. If going it is best to plan for a day of travel. just to let you know. As far as the lr and Ls i need quite a bit.
The travel thing would be doable. I would have to check days and stuff to let you know the best days for travel. like i said however 30 each segemnt so 120 a piece round trip. considering it is over 300 to den from springfield. it is a good price.

randy 12

I'll e-mail you. But just in case... how much lr/ls do you need? And could I get more than 2 tickets... like 4? Might be a nice vacation for the family.


unfortunately we don't travel either of those places. however if you got to salt lake i could get you to Cali. and a ticket would be cheaper from there to hawaii.


Yeah, I figured as much, but I figured I would try anyway. A RT ticket from Anchorage to Hawaii is usually ~ $500, so I don't think I can do better by making a longer round-about trip. Thanks anyhow.