

This morning I woke up to find my scooter blenny laying upside down dead next to my camel shrimp who met the same fate. MY Huma Huma seemed fine last night but now he is breathing heavy and it sitting on a rock, acting very strange. I tested all of my water and all the tests came out good. No signs of attack or anything like that. My Huma is a Qtank now but honestly, I don't expect him to make it through the day. My star is folding over, but thats kinda normal for him. My Hermit..........who usually never misses an opportunity to clean up a dead fish, left them alone, which I fiind strange. My Clown seems to be the only one who is healthy.........althoug he hasn't eaten yet this morning. What is killing my tank?


Staff member
I would suggest doing a large water change at this point. Since you have inverts as well as fish suffering, it does not seem likely to be fish disease.
Any possibility of contamination of the tank from something else? bug spray around the tank? Using non-deadicated instruments in the tank, etc.?
Have you done any type of cleaning in the tank recently?


Thanks for the help. I don't use any chemicals in or around the tank. I will do a water change, but now when I got home this afternoon, I tested the water again, its all good, and the fish are back to normal........could it have been some sort of spike overnight and it went back to normal??


Thanks for your help. I did however find my problem. I learned something thing this airstones. Because it basically makes a mess around the tank........which I had known, so a draped tin foil over the back of my tank where the hood was opened. Not thinking to check it I didn't realize that apperently salt water breaks it down......and it had been dissolving into my tank!! Lesson learned.......sadly......two casualties do my neglect.


Staff member
OMG. So sorry to hear. Yes, when all things are obviously RIGHT in the tank.....look for the outside source for contamination of the water.