

If i get 20 pounds of southdown and a 40 pound live rock should that be enough to help filter most of the bad stuff out of the water in my tank.
For a 55 gallon tank what type of cleaning crew should I get.


I would say that you need more of both in a 55. I go 90lb of LR and 40 Lbs of LS and I think that I am going to add more sand


Well-Known Member
in a word no. You need plant life to complete the cycle. If yo are lucky enough to have macros and algaes growing from you live rock then you will be fine. I would add that plant life to insure a balance ecosystem that does not result in algae blooms (and worse).


Do I really need LS or would play sand and southdown work. I have heard that LS is not really all it's cracked up to be. so I was thinking I could get some 40 pounds southdown and mix that with40 pounds of LS and make like a mix sould combination.
Would that work
What type of cleaning crew should I get for my tank. like how many crabs and sanials and stuff like that.


Active Member
You do not have to buy LS, If you get southdown and some LR then the LR will seed your sandbed. It is best if you can get some LS but you really don't need a ton of it, maybe 20lbs or so, just be sure to get the good stuff from the ocean with lots of worms and stuff in it.
As far as a clean up crew, you will want to wait until after your tank has cycled. Then you get what you need to keep your tank clean. I like turbo snails and Mexican Trochus snails, and scarlet hermits, also if you have a sandbed you will want some ceirth or nassarius snails to live in the sandbed.


Active Member
Unknown - welcome to the board!!!

Is the LS and the LR going to be your only method of filtration?
The point on Plant life that bob is trying to make is that you should look @ setting up a refugium where you can grow out some macro algea's to filter your water as well. You can also add macro algea's to your display tank - but I would recommend against this. As your macro's grow they put down roots. They can also overshadow, choke out and/or grow amongst your corals. Thus you will have to do constant maintenance on them.
I would also suggest a way to do some mechanical filtration. Like a HOB filter for you to run carbon in on occasion and also a protein skimmer.
Good luck and welcome to a very addictive hobby!