helping a newbie


New Member
I recently was given a 75 gallon tank and I would like to set it up SW. I was once into this but haven't been for quite sometime. I ordered "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" to try to aid in my journey.
I still have a red sea berlin HOB skimmer, but my pump is dead. I was looking at various models, any ideas on the best to go with? I also used the L x W x H x .0579 formula to come up with the amount of sand. I am thinking around 150 lbs of dead and 20 or so lbs of live (from Drs. FosterSmith) to get around 5" of DSB. Also looking at live rock, I am not looking to have a ton of rock, but I would like to aid in the cycling of the tank. Can I get away with less than a pound per gallon? Should I get this online or at the LFS.
Pretty much any help that anyone can pass my way would be great. I am looking at a fish with live rock tank in the end. I have been reading as much as possible but want to make sure that all of this will help my 75. I also don't want to sound cheap, but I don't want to throw money at things that won't help. Thanks.


Good choice for reading material. IMO you can get away with less than a lb per gallon of live rock for a fowlr (fish only with live rock) tank. If you want to use to rock to cycle your tank then it's alot cheaper to get it online and you'll have die off from shipping. This will give you a good cycle. BTW you can't mention other sites here so watch out.:D


New Member
Thanks for the help. Sorry about the other site, as you can see I am even new to posting. I just want to make sure that the live rock will be ok from online buying.


New Member
I was looking at the live sand on this site and they have it from the live sand menu, but if you look at the dry goods there is a Nature's Ocean Live Sand - 20 lb. Is there any difference?


The live sand on the live sand menu should have critters in it, like pods and worms. The bagged live sand won't have anything like that in it, just bacteria. I think this is correct, someone say so if it's not.


New Member
Thanks Jenn-e, you have been a great help. Does anyone have any ideas on the pump I will need to run the skimmer. My LFS didnt have a whole lot as far as variety and I think the guy is trying to retire on those prices. Thanks.