Yeah, its climbing as a way to escape an unfavorable environment. And it is eating on it's way out too. Snack for the road, LOL. Actually today is scooting around the sand bed and picking up loose bits of fish pellets on its way.
I dont know what "maybe we are all color blind" is saying" - but yesterday it doubled again and today it only took over about another 3/4 - 1 inch. Slow day I guess. Maybe I am lighting my tank to much?. The actinics come on at 5:00 am, the sunpaqs come on at 6:15-6:30 am and then the supaqs go off at about 7:15 pm and the actinics go off and the lunars come on at 8:15pm. Everything is set on timers and I dont mess with it outside of that.
Other than that I use all the standard equiptment and have pretty decent water parameters. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates, nearly 490 in calcium now and staying there, sal 1.024 (high altitude reef tank), temp 81 (bacteria is more abundant at this level). Plus all of my green hair algae, diatoms and that red slime stuff is all dying while the coralline in spreading like nothing I have ever seen in my life. Then again I am using this stuff that you use every day and contains added amounts calcium, iodide, stronium and magneseum. Cool thing about it is that it only targets already dissolved calcium in use then .0001 above that (impossible to overdose a tank and hurt creatures). It's weird stuff, but the coralline outbreak came about 5 days after I started adding it.
I am running an AquaC Remora skimmer
Power Sweep
Something that I rigged that is basically spray bar an inch off the substrate (but it doesnt blow around the sand)
Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel with only filter floss (since activated carbon eats your trace elements) and I am doing a 10-15% water change every 3 days (my own choice)