HELPPP..... Please.....!


New Member
Hey I have a pretty new 125gallon FOWLR and I have only 3 heniochus butterflies and for some reason there is this brown stuff spreading on my sand and rock I was wondering is this some sort of algae because its spreading pretty quick and is there some way to stop this? My tank has only been cycling for several weeks and I just got the three fish on Sunday.


Active Member
give us those water parameters....if its not done cycling your fish arent gonna be to happy with ya....water changes can help, some other things depending on how things work in your tank


Active Member
Three big fish put in at same time, if tank wasnt completely cycle will send it into a tailspin. I would think its best to do water changes quick!!


New Member
Uhh... Damn I didnt even know that... Other than water changes how else can you fix this problem... And if it is the whole cycle isnt finished is it algae or what?


Active Member
You have diatoms which is normal for a new system. Others have already pointed out the addtions and cycle issues.


Active Member
Always add fish slowly ,I even do this in my very established tank. Maybe one at a time in a new tank. Two if they were real small fish.Every time you add a fish, there is more waste, more waste, more work for your bio filtration. Not much you can do besides check parameters every 12 hrs and water changes. I would do maybe like 20 percent.Algae is normal part of new tank. Dont over feed.It only adds to the problem. The only other altnative would be maybe take 2 fish back to Lfs for now. Good luck.


Active Member
shorten your light cycles this will help reduce some of the algae growth and keep a close eye on nitrates amonias and nitrites.dont take the fish back send them to me lol j/ others stated dont overfeed .you can also get a few turbo and nas snails to help keep the aglae down bit .also if it is settling on your substrate increase you water flow by either moving you powerhead or adding another.insufficiant waterflow will increase algae blooms such as this and other forms as well.