HELPPPP!! Old Reefkeeper turned Newbie after Years!
After Many years out of the hobby (like 10) I want to get back into the saltwater reef tanks again. But with age and knowledge, this old hobbiest feels like a 10 year old again. I would like to get several people to give me suggestions on tank setups to keep a reef tank going again. I want to be able to keep a reef and also fish. I have a 75 gallon tank.
After Many years out of the hobby (like 10) I want to get back into the saltwater reef tanks again. But with age and knowledge, this old hobbiest feels like a 10 year old again. I would like to get several people to give me suggestions on tank setups to keep a reef tank going again. I want to be able to keep a reef and also fish. I have a 75 gallon tank.