Henichous Butterfly


Active Member
I have been researching fish to put in my tank. I have read in 2 different books that this butterfly can go in a 50 gal tank. Do you agree with that? I would LOVE to add it, but i wouldn't want it to get big and be unahppy. Anyone out there have one, or have experience with one? Just curious.


I would say he would be fine. I have one but it is in a 110 gallon. I really wanted about 10 of them but alas I decided on one.


In the 40+ that I have seen in various tanks, I have never seen one 10" in captivity. I still say you would be fine. Your call though


What about one of the smaller butterflies, wouldn't that work. Just a thought, since most butterflies are beautiful. :yes:


Active Member
What is classified as a smaller butterfly? I thought that they all got rather large. Hmm... Maybe I will talk to my LFS owner. He has not steard me wrong yet. I will ask him his opinion also. Thanks guys!!!!


New Member
some idiot at my lfs tried to sell me an heniochus for my 30... needless to say I told him that I wouldnt buy one for even a 100g


they will never get that big in your tank but i would get 2 this fish will do much better in pairs . the brown and white is nice aswell


I am contemplating a bigger tank and thinking maybe some too. You said two? wouldnt two always be at each others throats. I thought the rule was to stay away from even numbers of the same fish. How reefsafe are these guys and would they get along with an Atlantic blue tang?
As to smaller butterflys, there are a few that would fit this catagory and arent super hard to keep alive. The Pearlscale and Burgess are two I can think of offhand that stay less than 6 inches. Burgess are kinda expenisve but are reputedly the toughest butterfly alive and eat aptasia and other stuff much better than copperbands. Never seen one for less than $119 though.


Active Member
I've seen heniochus in captivity reach 8 inches. In fact I have had one in my 125 for 4 years and he is about 6 1/2 inches and still growing. I think he will get to 8 inches.