Heniochus Butterfly in a reef tank?


My tank isnt big enough to accomodate an Irish Moore.
But the Heniochus Butterfly seems kinda cute and has a similar shape and look in a more compact size.
Would you put this fish into a tank that you would later add Corrals to??


Active Member
I have the answer you are looking for, but it is not good.
there are 2 types of the hen. butt aka banner fish.
the first kind could care less about your corals
the second kind will devour your corals.
here is the problem, they are almost identical. there are only slight differences.
I know of only one place that will guarentee that you get the correct one. email me at bergamerjonesathotmaildotcom and I will give you the address


Active Member
i think you mean a moorish idol?
and im gunna say your tank is to small for a heniochus butterfly. and i would expect most any type of butterfly to nip at any polyps or soft coral.


Active Member
no, I do not mean a moorish idol. Hen butt is also known as a banner fish.
and not all butterfly fish are coral eaters as copperbands are another butterfly that does not eat corals.


Active Member
bro, im talking about what the original poster said, an irish moore??, never heard of it. and thats why i said most buttterflys, not every butterfly.


I spoke with the guy in my LFS and he knew what I was talking about, and also knew where to find those (2) types Of Henn.. :)
Sweet. My last fishie!!

yeffre kix

IMO the Heni's are some of the coolest fish you can have in your tank. Some will pick on polyps and clams however. It depends on the fish. I had three of them and only one would bother my corals. They do need a lot of swimming room, I'd say at least a 90 gal long.

yeffre kix

That was a pic from my 300 taken a few months ago before it cracked.
Sorry to say that the Heni's all died within a few days of being moved into a 125 I was using to try and save some of my live stock and live rock.