
three boys

I'm picking up my heniochus in an hour or two. Was going to put him in my 20 gal QT tank for a week or two just to be sure it's ok. Is this tank too small for this fish? He will eventually go into a 120 gal display tank. What is their favorite food also?? Maybe Jenn is around--I know she has one.

three boys

thanks! I did read that information, but was thinking cause they're part of the butterfly family, they might like seaweed sheets also???


Active Member
Most BF are carnivores and some are onivores including the H. diphreutes. Has to be small pieces that fit in its mouth. If its picky right now then start with LIVE brine and mix in some vitamine enriched mysis. Once it starts eating good the a little of everything is best. Variety is always good.

three boys

I currently feed my fish Omega 1, blood worms, krill, cyclopeeze, frozen brine, marine cuisine, squid. Won't any of these work? I also occasionally use garlic guard


Active Member
Might.........Just with BF most are real picky when first introduced. If your getting it from LFS, have them feed it first and see how and what it eats now and go from there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Three boys
I'm picking up my heniochus in an hour or two. Was going to put him in my 20 gal QT tank for a week or two just to be sure it's ok. Is this tank too small for this fish? He will eventually go into a 120 gal display tank. What is their favorite food also?? Maybe Jenn is around--I know she has one.
They are nervous fish and need space. I don't think a 20 gallon tank is sufficient for a heni.
Beautiful fish and are prone to ich.
Make sure you have some shrimp in the tank to clean them as they love to be cleaned.
Denise M.

three boys

I have 3 camel shrimp. Do they clean the fish?? never seen that b4. Anyways YIKES
Went to pick up my fish today & the one was half torn apart by a yellow tang and the other was COVERED with ich!!!! Most of the fish this place had were stressed or had ich!!! Drove about 1 hr to get there & left work early! I'm so mad! Not to mention the torture on these fish!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Three boys
I have 3 camel shrimp. Do they clean the fish?? never seen that b4. Anyways YIKES
Went to pick up my fish today & the one was half torn apart by a yellow tang and the other was COVERED with ich!!!! Most of the fish this place had were stressed or had ich!!! Drove about 1 hr to get there & left work early! I'm so mad! Not to mention the torture on these fish!

I don't know about camel shrimp, but cleaner shrimp do the job.
Like I warned you, the heni can get stressed. I'm a firm believer in UV sterlizers and garlic if one is going to keep henis or tangs since they are prone to ich.
Surely you didn't bring the problem home with you and cut your losses with the time off work. Right??
Sorry you lost the time off work, but you probably saved yourself a bucket load of problems.
Denise M.

three boys

No way I didn't bring anything home from that store. Felt bad for the fish leaving them there. Problem is that the LFS close to my house 10min away can hardly ever get anything in. Afraid to order online due to it being so cold now. I'm in PA


Active Member
Originally Posted by Three boys
No way I didn't bring anything home from that store. Felt bad for the fish leaving them there. Problem is that the LFS close to my house 10min away can hardly ever get anything in. Afraid to order online due to it being so cold now. I'm in PA
Like I said before, I'm in Iowa and I order online and haven't had problems. In the summer months there have been cool packs added to the coolers, and in the winter months they add heat packs.
The one thing I do to make sure I get the package is be available to receive it. With most places, you know when you are going to get your shipment and can plan accordingly. Plan your lunch hour or take an early afternoon or day off when you receive your package and have it delivered to your office so you can get the shipment home to acclimate and you probably won't have a problem.
If you call the online store like this one, you'll get an idea of how they handle live orders and how the live guarantee works. Most places I have ordered from have a pretty good live guarantee.
Denise M.

three boys

Thanks for the info----just a little hesitant cause it has been in the single digits at night here and only 14 for the daytime high


Active Member
the Heniochus I have had, were Voracious eaters, it was like feeding frenzy when I put food or algae sheets in the tank. They would eat Anything and everything I put in the tank.
The do love to be cleaned by cleaner shrimp.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Three boys
Thanks for the info----just a little hesitant cause it has been in the single digits at night here and only 14 for the daytime high
14 is considered a warm spell for me lately. I went out this morning and my car thermometer read -8F when I went for my morning pot of coffee at the local Village Inn before going back into the office after leaving for a whopping two hours.
Send me that warm spell!!! Please!
Denise M.
<--- on her fifth pot of coffee since midnight


Active Member
sorry to hear bout the fish. My lfs had about 8 the other day. I want to get one or two for my new 150 gal..but they eat coral, so non for me. Oh by the way its about 80 today. sorry had to add that. :happyfish


i got mine at *****, actually, and she is still happy and healthy 8 months later! She's the life of my tank. i feed her marine cuisine, and she is a PIGGY!!!
and pardon me, but three boys, you referred to me by my name... do i know you?


ohhhh, ok!!!
i felt bad, cause i'm normally really good about remembering screen names, and i couldn't remember yours... now i feel better!!!

three boys

No problem---having 2 screen names can be confusing. You didn't know. My other lfs which is 10 min away thinks he can get his hands on a heni next week! Cross your fingers !! I really want one! Think it will be ok in a 20 gal QT tank for a week or 2?? I want it in my display tank by Christmas


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
sorry to hear bout the fish. My lfs had about 8 the other day. I want to get one or two for my new 150 gal..but they eat coral, so non for me. Oh by the way its about 80 today. sorry had to add that. :happyfish
I usually go to Florida for a month in January, so don't remind me how warm it is right now while I'm freezing! hahaha!
The sad part is this year I don't think I'm going to be able to head to Blue Water Key (by Key West) and park my motor home as this is the busiest year we have ever had in our office. Leaving for me is out of the question - but it isn't for my husband.
Denise M.