Here are some pics of 12g nano


Here are some pics of my month old nano. Could someone please let me know if Im stocking it to fast. Im going to dallas monday to get more coral and maybe a fish.
Here is a list of the stock:
pair maroon clowns
1 sixline wrasse
frag of green torch coral
frag of zoos
sandsifting starfish
The water is fine and not fluctuating. There is also some green algae growing so I will be get some snails. Does anyone have an opinion on which are best?



Active Member
i personally wouldn't add anymore fish but if you really want something i would get a small goby and that would be it. but so far it looks great


Active Member
how did you get those maroons to pair up? did you buy a mated pair or did you pair them yourself?


Originally Posted by yerboy
how did you get those maroons to pair up? did you buy a mated pair or did you pair them yourself?
I went to ***** and picked out those two. At first they fought but now they are swimming together and sleeping together.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Are you using tap water? That looks like hair algea and this could be the cause.
Yes I have been what should I be using?


Active Member
RODI water. For like 30 cents a gallon. This water has no impurities that tap does. The tap has bad chemicals which is why you are getting this algea, it could also be that you dont have enought flow.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
RODI water. For like 30 cents a gallon. This water has no impurities that tap does. The tap has bad chemicals which is why you are getting this algea, it could also be that you dont have enought flow.
Where can you get that water?


Originally Posted by yerboy
most fish stores sell RODI, or you could buy a RODI filter yourself and make your own
Ok Ill check tomorrow.


Ok I got a LTA yesterday. Last night it moved a lot so I stayed up to watch it:) This morning it finally stuck its foot between some rocks and has not moved since. I think it is probably to big for the aqaurium though:( I guess it is happy but I dont know how to tell. But how do you get the clowns to host it? Here are some pics.



Active Member
Also sell it at publix,kroger,wallmart. How do you like your maroons? I was thinking them for my 12 aquapod.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Also sell it at publix,kroger,wallmart. How do you like your maroons? I was thinking them for my 12 aquapod.
They are my favorite clowns. I dont know if they are a mated pair yet? They have been in there for a week but the big one still nips at the smaller one:( But other than that I like them a lot!


I have tested the water and the nitrates are the only thing bothering me. They are right at or a tiny bit over 20ppm. But I dont want them getting to high. Should I do a water change already? It has only been running a month.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cblount
I have tested the water and the nitrates are the only thing bothering me. They are right at or a tiny bit over 20ppm. But I dont want them getting to high. Should I do a water change already? It has only been running a month.
After your cycle finished you should have started changing 10-15% weekly, imo. That's what I do in my 12 and it keeps my levels all at 0.


Active Member
if you haven't done a water change yet then i urge you to do one as soon as you can. try to be consistent on your water changes. i don't know about water changes for a 12 gallon but the rule is usually 5-10% a week. for my 150g i do 10 gallons every Saturday along with my weekly maintenance cleaning


ok thanks. I was just worried if I did a water change it would kill my bacteria. Do I need to clean the sponges to?


Active Member
again not really sure how the filtration is on the 12g. i wouldn't clean the filters yet. but get more input on that. what i have herd to do to help with filtration for the nanos is to put some LR rubble in the back of the tank in the little compartments where the filters are. if you do that, bacteria colonies will start to flourish there