Here Are The Pics (hope This Works)


Active Member
WOW !! :eek: :eek: :eek: i thought my old 90 was cool in the wall... what was done to the flooring to support that ?


If I can ever get my hands on the digital camera my brother says he will lend me I will post more pictures showing how this thing is supported. mainly it is a combination of doubled 2x6's over the sump area and doubled 2x4's on 18 inch centers supported by doubled verticle 2x4's. there was nothing done to the slab. the whole base was designed to support 550 lbs per sq foot to spread the weight evenly.


pferboy to answer your question I had a 150 sw show tank from about 1970 to 1980 but I may as well say I am new to all of this because technology has changed things so dramaticly. I used to think I was on the cutting edge because I would feed my corals and other creatures live plankton and rotofers and I had a state of the art UDF and UV light crushed coral, the whole ball of wax and look where we are now, the only thing I was doing right was using live rotofers and plankton as a food source. but I also know the same was true then as it is now, you cant rush, you can't fudge the real important things it will all happen in time.


Thank you all for your kind comments, if you have any Ideas on how to set up the live rock it would help, the only thing I want to do is set the rock down the middle of the tank so I get good water flow on both sides. i aslo heard that setting the rock on short pieces of pvc helps with areation in the dsb below the rock?


Active Member
One word - OUTSTANDING !
You're sump is larger than most of our tanks :p
450 gallons of saltwater - Unreal !!! Very nice job !
Looks really great - I wish you much success with that sweet tank set up - and have fun laying in the live rock.
How much live rock are you planning to get soon ?
Keep us posted and as always - MORE PICS ;) !!!!!
We love pics


Like the rest of us all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!! I am jealous, I want one but first I need a house to put it into, cant do that in an apartment..LOL very nice keep us posted with PICS!
That is just AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! My sister used to have a HUGE tank, dont know how big BUT it took up her entire hallway wall and came through to the bar area..... Are all your pumps etc in the basement??? Where do you put your heaters and stuff??
I am simple AMAZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great Job! Keep the PICS coming!


All of the hardware pumps heaters skimmer, everythong is below in the tank or in the sump room it's self the only thing in the tank are 6 powerheads.


I got the tank from sea life systems, I bought it from Bio reef and it was a steal $1100.00 down from 3500.00 because of a small 1/2' scratch which I have already buffed out. they have more discounted tanks on the site for various reasons.:D