Here goes nothing


I'm sitting here staring at 2 50lb bags of southdown sand with my insructions on making the swirch from cc to dsb. Somehow I don't think this is going to be fun. Maybe I need a pep talk, why am I doing this again?


You are doing for the same reason I am going to hit the LFS during lunch to get my sand. DSB's are worth the effort, no more ugly CC bed that needs to be cleaned every month. Better natural filtration. Better looking tank. Places for lil monsters to burrow into. No get off your ass and get that sand in the tank! Good luck. Tell me how it goes. I am doing it on Firday.


I'll take your advice and get to it, even though you are from WI and probably a Packers fan......That was a clean hit by Warren Sapp by the way.


clean, yes...gentlemanly, sportsman like, or :p Not that I'm a football fan, or anything...JMO.
BTW...good call on changing cc to dsb. Be happy you found southdown. Are you going to bag up your cc to seed the dsb?'
HEY!!! You found Southdown in parkland? How far is that from Panama City?


actually I moved from the excitement capital of the world known as Parkland, FL. I know live outside of Boston, MA. Here the sand seems to be at every Home Depot.
Yes, I plan to seed it. That is step 7. I'm on step 3...curse your head off. I've come up with some interesting new swears. HA!
In my eyes the Bucs can't possibly do anything wrong.


Yeah I am a Packer Fan and yeah it was a clean hit. It's football. Not like they are out there wearing skirts. Granted it is gonna be tough to come back from that hit. So how did it go?
BTW Just picked up my sand. 60lbs worth. Hopefully that will be enough. Gonna be hard to convince the wife if I need another bag.


I have not finished yet. deciding wether to totally drain the tank, or just put the sand in and deal with the couldiness. There should have been a step 3 1/2- make sure you have plenty of towels ready.


I would take some water out just to make it less messy. Granted the process itself is going to be insanely messy. In my case I have to remove some water stains so I had to piece together a QT for my 3 damsels. Once they are out I have to take the whole tank apart, whipe down the stains with Rydyt2 and then rinse the tank out and the put it all back together again. I am thinking the whole thing should take me just under 8 hours.


after taking out some water, the CC, and the LR it's about half full (or half empty for the pessimists out there). I think I might just put it in and deal with the cloud. The only livestock is the turbo snails and a CBS. I can deal with cloudy water for a few days if they can......I hope they can.


Hey - is it worth my money to buy 2 bags of southdown for 37.00 each (includes shipping). I can't get it from home depot around here.



Originally posted by kelldog4
Hey - is it worth my money to buy 2 bags of southdown for 37.00 each (includes shipping). I can't get it from home depot around here.

Well, think of it this way. I just went to my LFS and paid 60 bucks for 60 pounds. Your getting 100 lbs for for 74 bucks. $1 per pound vs. $.74 a pound may not seem like much but I think it is worth it.


Well 2 hours after a big mess, My tank is now sand based. BTW if you have major water stains on a tank DON'T use rydyt2. Just buy a new tank. I picked it up hearing it was one of the strongest tank safe cleaners out there. No good on the hard water stains. The water must have etched my glass some how. Oh well. The tank is settling and everything looks good. Just have to see what happens a week or two from now.
In case you are curious white vinegar works very well for cleaning a tank that has hard water in it. Just make sure that you thoroughly rinse out your tank before you add water to it.


Active Member
first, southdown is 50 lb bags, so that is an even better deal, yes it is worth it.
2d, what are we trying to clean up or off? what water stains? where? inside the tank? I am confused how we get water stains inside of a full tank. help me out, so i can try and help you(if possible) BUT I would not use any cheems(safe or not) and vinegar if I did not need to. BUT definitelyno chems!


It was a tank I got from the basement of my friends house. He had let the water level drop significantly while it was full. Thus I had a water line. I had tried the vinegar but it didn't work. I do take back what I said about the Rydyt2 it worked wonders. It did clean teh tank perfectly. It is a product put out by Python. Check it out.


I just ordered 2 50# bags of southdown online for 64.24 with shipping. Better than paying 37 bucks locally for a 30 pound bag of Caribsea Aragamax. Should take me about a month at least to get my DSB in. <sigh> Worth it though.


CC is gone and now I have a DSB. I want to thank everybody for the help they provided by answering all of my questions. Just to let people know, this CAN be done with zero cloudiness.


Now just curious...why do you need DSB? I have watched and read and was told no more that 2 in of substrate anywhere in your tank. I read that more than that cause dead areas in the sandbed causing nitrite problems. No bactiria can get oxygen with so deep a bed. I actually removed 80 lbs of LS because I read in several different sources to keep it low. That was alot of$ down the drain/under the porsche to catch oil:confused:


Active Member
wow, that is quite the opposite
you want over 4 inches, os you can have oxygen low zones for anaerobic bacteria, as well as the bacteria in the upper levels. And the other critters.
The anaerobic bacteria actually go further and not only don't cause nitrite problems, BUT instead help by reducing nitrAtes too.
The DSB and the criters in it, create an awesome natural filtration system for our tanks.