Here is Stanley


Active Member
As I mentioned in previous post. my wife who rarely looks at the aquarium fell in love with the new cowfish. She looked at him and said "Hello Stanley!" He is a very personable fish who always follows you when you come near the tank. I think he thinks he is more person than fish.
I personally love those fish!! I have NO real fish in my tank, just the damsels I used for cycling.. I am at the end of y cycle and I am thinking of getting one of those fish..
i have heard they get bacterial infections real easilly... how has Stanley been? How long have you had him??
Thanking you kindly, Kim


whoa whers like the fins and stuff, sorta looks like a floating head, kinda spooked me out


I have read that they need a tank of at least 100 gallons, perferably 150, and when threatened, it will release a toxin lethal to it's tank members. But I have no personal expereince. He's very cute though. What else is in the tank?


New Member
I read the same thing... these guys will exude a toxin if stressed that can wipe out an entire tank! But I think they are very cool looking! Oh, and I also read that they need about 180 g tank too. Way too much for this girl! LOL


I always loved these fish, but whenever I see them they are always on the smaller size compared to other fish. Why then do u need a tank with atleast 150 gals. To me they look like they could fit in a 30 gal easily for a while, but I am no expert.


They grow close to 16-18inches in size and will definitely release a toxin if threatened or killed. Special care is definitely required for this guy.


where are his horns? my cowfish is my wifes favorite too. they seem to grow pretty slow, but i would not try to keep one in any tank smaller than a 90 gal.


Active Member
Well thank you all for your replies. The one about Stanley looking just like a head still cracks me up. As you can see Stanley is a young cowfish so his horns have not developed. This is good for two reasons, he is cuter that way and he was cheaper. Yes I know that they are prone to getting ich, so I am dosing the food with garlic for at least a month to keep anything off of him. I have not had any new additions for at least a month and I do not plan on any other new additions for while so hopefully things will work out right.
I too have heard many thought about these fish. Most of them are "I heard......" So I am going to make a post of people who have had cowfish and find out what the real deal is.