Here It Is!!!


I know the pic kinda stinks, but I think you can see it ok....It is in the container keeping it away from the killer raccoon....It did not eat the small piece of silverside I gave it this morning, but tonight I put about 3 little pieces of mysis on it, and it kinda curled its tentacles in, and the mysis is I am guessing it ate it...This one is going to make it!!!! I am going to do all I can...FIRST...CATCH RACCOON!!!


LOL...I have the anemone on the right side of tank, with that one light out, and the only way I could get the pic was to put the camera on night mode....There is also a green plastic plant right next to it, I think its some sort of reflections... ALSO..I HAVE A CRUMMY CAMERA LOL


Just a note:
Make sure it is getting flow, place the dish near your output or direct a power head towards the side of the dish w/the holes. Don't blast is just give it some flow. It need it for respiration and so as not to have mucus build up. Sounds pretty gross is really so important.


Ok because it dose look like your water is green as phytoplankton. Pictures you have taken before didn't look this way so I am a little nervous. Can you take another, try something different to get a photo that dosen't look green. Sorry but I am not feeling very confident after seeing that.


My camera just broke...AHHHH!!!! Maybe that's the problem...I will post a pic of something I took the other day...
I do have the anemone where my outflow is going over it..and I have another powerhead that comes from another direction...None of these blow right on it.



Ok, I am relieved, those photos look tinged too. Can you blame me for getting a little

Have you dicided what your going to do about your little problem?


My killer fish??? Hopefully my husband and I can catch it by this weekend, then I will take it to the store that is 2 hours away...and buy a new camera too....LOL
What causes green water? Mine isn't, but I have never seen green colored water with fish alive that is.


Algea suspended in the water.
My tanks have always had crystal clear water. Since you have had algea problems I would be a good idea to take stock and try to reduce your nutrients. Fish waste and uneaten food create excess nutrients. Do you have a skimmer? Skimming help to eliminate excess nutrients before they enter the nitrogen cycle absolutuly nessesary when you have a heavy bioload.


Yeah I have a seaclone tank is a 225..I use to have 2 skimmers...the 150, and also a seaclone 100, but the 100 broke, so I only have one...and I clean it constantly, actually I just finished doing that...I have been thinking about glueing the 100 together so I can at least use it until either I get a sump, or just buy another bigger skimmer...
I have cut down on food, and also stopped adding additives to the water. I have also started using ro/di water, and am doing more frequent water changes (only just did one this weekend, I'll do another this weekend of 25-30g)
Any other suggestions? Broke camera or not, I do know my water is not crystal clear, but it is not cloudy, yellow, or a green either...just not crystal...


Well it really should be crystal clear, I am not an expert, I am sure others could help here too. I will try, you see I have a brother who is very into the chemical part of this who I ask when I need advice.
Do you use buffers? I continually check my KH (carbonate hardness) and I use a 2 part calcium buffer. B-Ionic , it helps maintain calcium and alkalinity levels as well as trace elements. I also periodically check my nitrate levels and SG w/refractometer. (Evaporation and make up water can throw this off)
forgot to say I check my calcuim levels too.
I hate testing as I am sure everybody dose but have to.


I was using reef complete w/calcium, essential elements, and strontium & suggested by the lfs....I trust this guy that he is not just selling me stuff cause he has talked me out of buying A LOT.....I stopped adding this stuff when it was suggested by many on this forum that everything needed is in the salt mix....
My nitrates are 0, ph 8.2, calcium runs 430ish, alk runs 2.8 mel...everything I test for comes out good....I do not know what my KH not have a tester, but I have been buying kits periodically...Is that another one I need to buy? Soooo, in answer..LOL..My tests are good, and I add nothing...


Yes that is true everything is in the salt mix but the things in your tank will use these trace elements at different rates and may deplete some faster than others. For instance one trace element may have a direct effect on the way another is used. I am not very good at putting this into words.


LOL...soooo confusing, but if my tests are coming out good, why add anything? That's what I got out of what I have been reading....


Do you have a test for measuring phosphates? High phosphates can cause cloudy water. They should be close to 0.
That would make sence but your water should be clear, I am trying to help, I am just not that good at this, wish I could help you more, hoping someone else would make suggestions.


Phosphates are between 0 and 0.25.....You are right though...this is very confusing, and VERY frustrating.....I do appreciate your input though...On a brighter note, the anemone has stayed open since I got it...


Thats good, well at least you can see this one, no hiding for him. Maybe, hopefully some of our very knowledgable friends will give opinions, where is everybody tonight.

I bet they're all sleeping lol.