here we go again post ur pics of clowns and anenomes


here is a couple of mine! the 1st is a pic of my condi and then some pics of my new sebae just got it last night for 10 bucks!

it a monster somewere around 12" when it's open
PS.. do sebae split???



Originally Posted by clown123
that looks like a LT anenome deva not sebae?
I really think it a sebae.....has puprle tips. it not white because it's helthy.
humm :thinking: but I could be wrong? any one out that can help out?


New Member
Originally Posted by clown123
anglekissi u got that clown in a condy CONGRATS :cheer:

Thanx new at all this salt stuff....have had fresh for yrs but decided this yr to go for far so good....(knock on wood)


Active Member
here are my new ones that are not doing very well it stinks im so sad i love these 2 the last one is the male in the shell.



WOW!!!! long time ago if some of these ppl are still here n lost ur cowns or anenomes they may be in hrere if u wanna see em i miss my clowns my 3gsm and my 2pairs of tru and false percs!!!!

reef diver

Active Member
Whoknows, whn my moms done using it ( could be forever) lol, as soon as I can get it, thanks for the compliment.