heres a new top down shot i took in memory of the old contest


Active Member
anyways i took a few new top down pics and this one came out the best IMO
since the last contest kinda flopped i wanted to share a new pic and encourage others to do the same seems this top down photos are kinda tricky .....
i turned off all flow in tank and the center light to reduce glare off water


Active Member
OK, lets hear the real scoop. Just how long did you have to stand there to get such a gorgeous picture? :thinking:
I had a beautiful picture in my head, and stood in front, on top (on a chair), and beside my tank and never got my picture. Damn those fish, they just don't cooperate!!!

That is one heck of a picture.


Active Member
thanks everyone yeah i thought it was a pretty nice colorful shot....
actually the camera i use Rslinger is 2 years old and its only a 4.0 megapixel olympus D-545 i got for about $200 at the time... its all about figuring out which modes work best for what situations ..... i found using the sport/action mode works best to get rid of blurry shots.... i guess it has a faster shutter speed....
top downs are kinda fun....
it only took me about 8 shots to get this nice one.... ive practiced enough that the shots usually arent terribly bad i just liked this one cuz the blue hippo decided to get into the mix this time....