heres one of my clams now show me yours


Active Member
CagRN, thank you so much, I'm glad you like the pictures and the tank!
Cyclops, it is the same clam, just different lighting and different mode on the camera. Glad you like, I plan on getting more when I can get my hands on a nice colored one!


Active Member
nice clams everyone!!!!
lets see some more!
clams have always been one of my favorites
come one everyone post yours!


Active Member
heres my crocea, its about 3". oh, and he put himself on the sand, i originally had him on the rocks, but he kept trying to move so hes staying on the sand bed. hes been there about 3 months.



Active Member
Very nice clam picture all of you have.....

They add so much color to a tank and look just great. I only wish they had one that stayed small and did not need special lighting.
Great work you all have done.....