heres the naso


maybe i was wrong with the 10inches as my estimation cause the tank still looks pretty empty and the naso looks like she has plenty of room..maybe im wrong..



if i put a ruler up to it i think it would be around 10 inches long with the fins..she got plenty of room to swim and so does the shark and trigger, maybe in the long run i will have to get a bigger tank or give something away but for now and for a decent amount of time everything is fine, thanks for the concern though.


quick question where did you get your coral cat. from the lfs or mail order please dont say who out of respect of this site. but i was looking for one before i got my bamboo shark and could not find them. even my lfs said thease are hard sharks to come by.


Active Member
Even if it was a 180, it still wouldnt be big enough for a Naso of that size.


Active Member
im also wondering the size of the tank? that naso looks HUGE in there. also do you have any rockwork or caves for your shark to hide in??
but i was looking for one before i got my bamboo shark and could not find them. even my lfs said thease are hard sharks to come by.
i see these sharks everywere!


PSUSOCR1 i live in mass and not one single store has these. i did not expand my search outside mass. but good to know they are out there


its a 125gal, and if u see the whole tank u could see he def isnt too big for the tank.i have rocks that the shark sleeps under, and the SFE has a few spots he goes in, everytime i set the rocks up they just knock them down, i gotta find something else they can go under and not knock down.i was thinking some PVC but it doesnt look that appealing, any other ideas?


the pic shows about 2 feet of the 6 foot tank so it does look big in the pics. ill try and get a full tank shot.


Imo the tank isnt big enough for any of the inhabitants you have there............Plus you also dont have enough liverock in there to support that bioload......If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


Active Member
He does have a wet/dry with bio-balls so that will support the bioload I think. How big is the tang? 10in? I think the tang is fine, but definitly upgrade


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ohioguy06
Imo the tank isnt big enough for any of the inhabitants you have there............Plus you also dont have enough liverock in there to support that bioload......If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

I concur.