heres the naso


im gonna pick up a few more lbs of LR this week, i dont want too much cause i want more swimming space. im not gonna upgrade now cause i think im buying my own place soon and ill upgrade then, for now everything has plenty of room.


Active Member
I wouldn't add more rock to your tank, like you said, less swimming space. Why wont you get alot of rock and throw it into your wetdry? Take out the bioballs. Just a thought.


i do appreciate the info and do want large fish like triggers, tangs, and angels so what size tank do u guys think i should get? would a 180 be good or should i just go with something like a 225 or something? thanks again.


In the grand scheme of things that tang is stilll a baby ha hasnt even started developing streamers, your tank may be sustaining him for now but it does not do that fish justice wahtsoever general rule of thumb for tangs is 10x the body length and even that is a low estimate, I am not saying you are wrong for keeping tangs i full intend on purchasing a naso for my 6ft tank but when it even starts gettig close to the size of yours i will be finding it an alternate home it was not until i saw a full grown naso tang was i fully able to appreciate the size they can reach and also was able to see many smaller ones in the same massive tank doing full out sprints that would cover a 6ft tank faster than our eyes could track it.
I have and will be guilty of purchasing fish that i know i can never give lifetime homes too but being able to accept that and do the right thing when the time comes is what really matters, but at the same time please nobody take this as a sign of irresponsibility its not like i am buying nurse sharks or anything

Hopefully you will do the right thing cause it is definitly time for that fish


money doesnt really matter it would be the space i think that i might have a problem with...not sure what kind of place im gonna buy.


if i dont have a larger tank by the time it needs one i will give it to someone that does. And i think that only males get the streamers, correct me if im wrong..and i know mine is a female.


Originally Posted by CDubbs
i do appreciate the info and do want large fish like triggers, tangs, and angels so what size tank do u guys think i should get? would a 180 be good or should i just go with something like a 225 or something? thanks again.
The bigger the better and asap not trying to sound harsh but you have high waste producing animals at the moment in a 125........ and naso's need more than a six foot runway in my opinion so the longer the tank the better my thought would be something into 220 or larger depending on the length and width of the tank..... And definetlely more live rock to boot.


Active Member
if you like him in there by all means than keep him im just throwing my friendly opinion out there
also you need ALOT more rockwork for the shark to hide in heres a pic of my two rock structures, they both have "caves" and one of them has a shelf on top of the cave also.
sorry the pics arent good, also the pics are deciving this piece of liverock running sideways on the bottom of the structure is 13 inches long and it is set out from the back 15 inches which is ALOT of area for a shark or ray to hide in

heres the deeper larger cave its about 22x22x16 high(enough room for a juvi shark to hide in and turn around in


honestly when u guys look at that last pic u can really say u think the tang looks too big for the tank, its ur opinion but i just cant see why anything is wrong with it...maybe its just me.


thanks psusocr, did u glue those rocks together or do u just not have fish large enough to knock them over?


Tangs are mostly a free swimming fish that requires alot of rock on top for shelter at night........ if you ever watch tangs swim in larger tanks they like to take largre strides so to say........ And where things havent gone wrong yet..... are that he hasnt probably been in there long enough to become stressed out...... just trying to offer my opiniion.


thanks ohio, she was in the lfs in a 125gal for a few months with other large fish, i know that its temporary in a lfs but she has a lot more swimming room in my tank than the one in the store so if anything i would think she would be happier, just my opinion...does noone else in here have a fish bigger than my tang in a 125gal??


Active Member
Originally Posted by CDubbs
does noone else in here have a fish bigger than my tang in a 125gal??
If they do, they shouldnt.


Active Member
i know someone. I remember there was this guy on the forums who had a ray,shark egg, eel, and some other fish in his 60 something gallon :scared: . He had it in the wall with a nice surround sound in the wall to. :scared:


Active Member
i used some aquarium epoxy to hold all my rockwork in place, along with wedging the rocks very tight.
and currently i have a russels lion and 2 stars. my shark will be here on wed. he will be accomanpied in the future with a ray, 2 tangs and a foxface.. thats all
also every fish i get are all juvi's


Hey, sorry to be so critical, but have you ever heard of tank decorations? You need to have a little more for those fish to be comfortable. Some more live rock would help with the filtration and would double as filtration and as a food source. They're great looking fish... be sure to take care of them.


We used large lava rock pieces, and our lfs had big rocks with all types of holes and arches. We layed the Rocks over the lava rock to make caves and holes, 3 separate spots in our 125 for the 3 fish. It works out well. Our triggers move the smaller pieces and can't budge the larger. I think your tank looks good. IMO as a beginner
you will have some time before you need to think about getting rid of them or upgrading.....Peace


Originally Posted by Triggered
I think your tank looks good. IMO as a beginner
you will have some time before you need to think about getting rid of them or upgrading.....Peace

Definately needs more decorations.