Here's the Pictures of my Corals!


Active Member
Here's the pictures of my corals....
First one is Brown & White Pipe Organ, Second is Candy Cane, Third picture(from left to right) Colt(not sure yet, it was a hitchhiker), Blue Millipora, and Orange Zoas. Fourth is a Long Tentacle Plate Coral. The last one is another Orange Zoa. :happyfish



Active Member
Originally Posted by fishboy091
about how long has your tank been up and running?
It's been up and running for almost a year. Added base rocks and live rocks about 6 months ago. Adding a little bit at a time. Just recently started adding in corals about 3 months ago. That's not an anemone actually, it's a Long Tentacle Plate Coral. It's our favorite! It's name is Madge...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sundance1
How about a full tank shot! Nice corals! :jumping:
I did post it, it will only allow me to post 5 pictures per thread, I'll try to post it as a reply post here....The first picture is before I added in the rest of the rock, the second picture is completion of the tank. :happyfish



Active Member
Here's the rest of the corals I have, post them all together in this very thread. Don't have a good picture of my Orange Cap yet, I just got it and it's not looking very pretty to take a picture anyway. First picture is Red People Eater on left and Electric Mint Chocholate Zoa on right. Second is Green Star Polyp(Shaggy) and third is shaggy junior(we named it), it's a frag we got off Shaggy who already grew twice it's size. The last picture shows Nitrogen Bubbles in my sand bed, it didn't show well in the picture, but I circled some, but there actually everywhere, if you look closely you can tell that it's there. :happyfish



Active Member
I didn't get any answer, wonder if you guys seen it or not...Especially the sandbed one, quite a few was asking me to post it when I get my digital camera... :happyfish


Active Member
I'll be adding a Pink Tipped Frogspawn tomorrow, will post pictures as soon as I get it situated. I also moved things around again and a polyp from my Orange Zoo fell off and was floating around and I placed it on a rock, it's growing right now, it's trying to grow like 3-4 heads at a time, my goodness, I think I need to get rid of a few Orange Zoos.... :happyfish


Active Member
Thanks, I think I'll post another thread sometime soon again with newer pictures once everything gets settled....Heading to get the frogspawn right now... :happyfish