hermit and cleaner shrimp


New Member
i have a big hermet crab and i was wondering if i got a cleaner shrimp that they would get alone? thanks


Saltbaby that is a rediculous question, ofcourse they will get along, now go to Charlies and buy it.


Active Member
how big is your hermit? if its one of the huge mermits(3") then becareful they are little monsters that will eat anything they can catch like fish, and shrimp
i had one when i first started out years ago and it eat a peppermint and some scarlet reef crabs


New Member
I have an anenome hermit and he can't catch the shrimps. I have them for a while now. and I guess it depends on how big your tank is too. Mine is 150g


Active Member
I have nearly 20 Scarlet hermits in my tank (50g) with a cleaner shrimp..They do fine together. I'm not sure a hermit would catch the shrimp anyways....cleaners are very mobile.


Active Member
scarlets are the most docile of all hermits, look at the mexican blue leg hermits they will kill other hermits and snails