Hermit convention?


This morning I looked at my tank and noticed that almost my entire hermit population was grouped together on one rock. Normally, they are all over the tank, but today all 10 or so were in one little spot about the size of a credit card. Is there just something tasty on that particular peice of rock, or are they plotting against the snails? I've never seen them do this before. Any ideas?


Active Member
they are having some sort of feast there. Something is attracting their attention to that spot. Are you missing anybody, son, daughter, wife, dog, $100.00 fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefrunner
This morning I looked at my tank and noticed that almost my entire hermit population was grouped together on one rock. Normally, they are all over the tank, but today all 10 or so were in one little spot about the size of a credit card. Is there just something tasty on that particular peice of rock, or are they plotting against the snails? I've never seen them do this before. Any ideas?

If you see one raise a trumpet, and another start rapping the snare drum, it will be an all out charge into the front line of snails you have.
They are drawing out strategy in the sand.


Active Member
My guess would be that they have formed an independent sovereign nation and are preparing to defend its borders. Do you notice any flags and/or mottos laying about?


Active Member
Normally when I see this there is a flipped over dead turbo snail or maybe a really hot shell that everyone wants.


Originally Posted by Farslayer
My guess would be that they have formed an independent sovereign nation and are preparing to defend its borders. Do you notice any flags and/or mottos laying about?



Active Member
How do you think they are going to have free government housing in their new country without acquiring shells?


Active Member
See that makes sense, the nass snails are plotting from beneath the sand, so the crabs had to move to higher ground and rely on a missile assault. The nass will have to move quickly and surround the crab stronghold.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Maybe a democratic convention?

Noooooooo, not that. Get rid of them at once


New Member
I know that land hermit crabs are known for hanging around in groups. I don't know much about aquatic hermit crabs, but often land crabs will group around a crab that is molting. Maybe that helps.