hermit crab differences???


Is There Such A Thing As Cleaner And Non Cleaner Hermit Crabs???
Dont Tell Me I Just Bought 10 Non Cleaner Hermit Crabs???
How Would I Know Iff The Start If They Are Cleaner?


Active Member
hermit crabs arent cleaners. They will eat algae like off the rocks and stuff, good for cleaner crews, if thats what you mean by cleaners.
Cleaner Shrimp are cleaners, the ones that set up cleaning stations for the fish and clean the fish as they go by. The cleaner shrimp family includes:
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Fire or Blood Cleaner Shrimp(they look cool I have one)
Peppermint Shrimp
Did I answer your question?


Active Member
YEah all hermits clean the algae off the rocks, which kind did you get?
Blue legged
red legged
zebra hermit


Active Member
I had a few of those in the beginning. I believe they are called red legged crabs and cortez hermit. THey are good algae eaters.


i am watching the mexican hermits i got and they do an ok job cleaning the sand bed and pick stuff off rocks but they are not gettingthe big chunkc of hair algae growing on rocks andleft over on sand... why is that? I need something that will literally eat the green algae and rid of it from my tank.... :thinking: