Hermit Crab ID?


I feel like my life revolves around hermit crabs lately x__x
We bought 10 little tiny hermit crabs from the LFS today. All the crabs we have gotten from there were blue legged crabs. One of the 10 from today looks different than the others. He is more black and has a single white line that runs down his legs versus the segmented blue coloring of the others.
Anyone have any idea what kind of crab he is? I'd post a picture but he is smaller than a nickel and hard to focus on.


I just googled zebra hermit. It's similiar but the white lines run down his legs.. not across. As he gets a little bigger I'll see if I can take a picture. In the meantime I assume since we have no corals and he is teeny tiny it shouldnt be an issue.

jimmy 4

Ive had hermits like that before. they are pretty much the same as blue legged. same size, same temperment, same apetite........