Hermit crab???


I have a new aquisition :) A very cute hermit crab, but I can't remember what the LFS called him. I think it was Blue Kneed??? It has these adorable legs that have blue bands around the legs, and black ones. They are very distinct not mottled at all. One blue, one black..etc, The knee is blue.
Is that what I bought...needless to say, he is a cute lil bugga.


They are called blue legged hermits. They are great little guys...but they get a little aggressive when they get larger and will pull others out of there shells along with killing and eating snails...I have not had any problems with them until i added a big one and then we were going through snails at a rate of 1 a night. Just make sure you have lots of different size shells for them to take over...


No, the coloring on legs is not the same as my blue legged. (I have some of those too.) These are COMPLETELY different in coloration.


I read the link...haha. I am glad they get a bit boisterous. He will keep my damsels in check. I call them the blue devils...naughty lil creatures.
Hmmm...if these hermit crabs grow big, I guess I better start rounding up some bigger shells